Engage students and support teachers with student-centered curriculum and assessment.

The answers to tomorrow's problems can't be found in the back of a textbook. The skills needed in the modern workplace aren't practiced on a worksheet. Â
inquirED's standards-based curriculum develops the skills and builds the content knowledge students need to succeed.Â

Inquiry requires a shift in teaching practice—which can feel overwhelming to teachers.Â
inquirED’s professional learning resources
support teachers, building their practice 就爱加速器
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Project Library
Dynamic and Flexible
Inquiry Journeys moves beyond the textbook providing a continuously updated digital curriculum that is ready to adapt and implement.
With 30+ projects to choose from, each with detailed lesson plans, teacher can guide students to take informed action that impacts the world.
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Amy RichardÂ
Director of Elementary Program
Houston, Texas
“Last year, they’d forget about content in a few days. With inquirED, we’ve gone so deeply, they not only retain knowledge but can apply in other areas."
5th GradeÂ
Kansas City, Missouri
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